Thursday, December 31, 2009

new years evil

it was a very good year. job's been great. bought a home thanks to a generous gov. tax credit. heard tons of great music and made a bunch myself. i even signed my first record contract (hopefully not my last) with a real life label! it'll be a 4 track vinyl ep plus some digital bonuses and it should be ready for consumption very early in the new year. more on this as the time approaches.

i'll leave the blog for the year with one from stan kenton on his 1966 record plays for today. a bit obvious, yes, but his take on this never gets old for me. see ya next year!

stan kenton—it was a very good year

p.s. for those out there with comcast on demand, you can watch new year's evil for free for the next week or two! recommended for its take on LA "punks" who slow dance to "new wave" music that sounds suspiciously like really bad blues jamz.

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